Well-being course
How do you cope with day to day life? NEW course focussing on all aspects of well-being, through the practice of sophrology, which...
How do you cope with day to day life? NEW course focussing on all aspects of well-being, through the practice of sophrology, which...
Press the pause button of life... learn new skills... chill, chat and relax... just a few places available - book now to avoid...
We are nearly in March. What did you want 2018 to look like? What were your goals? Were you planning on making positive changes? How are...
Introduction to hypnobirthing
Feedback like this that makes my job so satisfying! Hi Our baby was born on the 23rd November, weighing 7lb 14, no pain relief used...
Take control!
We look forward to supporting you in making that positive change MEDITATION Meditation for beginners runs for 6 weeks, teaching the...
Meditation or Relaxation?
Learn the basics of meditation or simply spend one hour of pure relaxation. Join one of our friendly group sessions. Meet for one hour...
Relaxation? Meditation?
Join us at our informal friendly group sessions to either learn the basics of meditation or just to simply spend one hour of pure...
Control your stress - learn to meditate
New Year - new intentions! Do you want to improve your well-being and learn a new skill? Beginners meditation group is for those new to...
New Year - New You!
Meditation can help you to deal with anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, self-esteem and other emotional issues. It can help you to control...