Hypnobirthing classes
Hypnobirthing classes now available in your local area. For a free consultation call 07828159602 Enjoy your journey through pregnancy and...
Well-being starts with self-care
Your first reaction may be that you "don't have time" or you may be "too busy to think about relaxing". However, well-being is about...
How do you cope with day to day life? NEW course focussing on all aspects of well-being, through the practice of sophrology, which...
Press the pause button of life... learn new skills... chill, chat and relax... just a few places available - book now to avoid...
Take control!
We look forward to supporting you in making that positive change MEDITATION Meditation for beginners runs for 6 weeks, teaching the...
Relaxation classes
NEW CLASS STARTING SOON! Monday 8th January 6:30-7:30pm About: Join us for an hour each week to learn breathing techniques and relaxation...